Saturday, December 16, 2006

Saturday 16th December 2006. Singapore to Sydney.

This morning I had breakfast at Epicurious surrounded by ex-pat businessmen of varying ages enjoying their weekend. This is one beautiful island, but I must confess that the tropical heat takes some getting used to.

Singapore is an expensive location with many prices comparable to London (particularly in the higher end restaurants and bars) but there can be no doubting the quality of life for all in the community in this paradise island .

As I recently learned you simply cannot place a value on a personal feeling of security or well being. Singapore is a country that quite rightly prides itself on the sense of personal security and community responsibility that its government promotes.

In many ways Singapore is a model for the 21st century. It is a genuine fusion of all that is best in East and West and a true melting pot where colour, race and religion seem to be unseen and where the peoples of the world live side by side in harmony.

Singapore demonstrates what can be achieved post colonial administration by a tough but more importantly uncorrupt leadership. This small country with no natural resources has made itself a beacon for global development through effective political policies aimed at social progress. The countries of South America could learn a lot from this model.

I lunch today at Brewerkz at Riverside Point before heading out to the airport.

At Changi Airport I saw the coolest traveller I have ever seen. Just flipflops and a that's the way to travel!

My fellow passengers down to Sydney were an interesting mix. I was lucky again to be assigned a bulkhead seat in premier economy and was seated beside a nice doctor and a young woman who began her conversation by moaning about Singapore. She said she hated the place because it was so organised and then proceeded to anally create a very organised space all around her. She even spread over into my seat for most of the flight which led me to be almost sitting on the doctor. Then as we neared Sydney she flew into a rage about me taking up her space before sitting almost on top of me to get an ariel view of the city. After fussing and faffing all the way to OZ she left the plane apologising for her behaviour...Welcome to Australia!


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