Friday, December 08, 2006

I'm Going Home!!! Monday December 4th 2006.

Today I head out to the airport to begin my journey home for a few days.

You know people are so ungrateful. The woman infront of me at the security check at the airport was asked to remove her jewellery before going through the scanner. Her property went through the X-ray machine, as did mine, and she headed off without her jewellery. None of the staff made any attempt to call her back and so I chased after her to tell her she had forgotten her rings etc. She never even said thank-you. She simply grabbed her stuff and headed off again.

Looking down through the clear skies as we fly across Brazil you see such massive cities like Belo Horizonte (which I am currently above). These are huge urban expanses and yet they don't feature at all on the international radar??

Its unbelievable. The fasten seatbelts sign is on, and has been for sometime...the flight is almost exclusively latin and everyone is ignoring both the signs and the regular appeals of the cabin crew to sit...its a free for all!

I do have the strangest experiences. On the leg of my flight from Madrid to London I met a couple who had been victims on the bus of British tourists hijacked at gun-point in Rio last week...their story was amazing...and I am glad to be home!!!!


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