Friday, December 08, 2006

Friday 8th December 2006. Dumbarton, Scotland.

Tonight I am in my HOME TOWN to celebrate the 60th Birthday of one of the greatest Son's of the Rock that ever lived.

I am joining family and friends for a surprise party for my Dad being held at his Bowling Club, the Brock Bowling Club in our home town...this is what life is all, friends and caring!

A few months ago now I was sitting in Bogota airport in Colombia and giving thought to the fact that we rarely are ever honest enough to express our feelings. I wrote the following speech (and although tonight was not the right occassion to read it) I want to share it with you all to express the pride I have in my Dad!!

Tonight is one of those very few occassions in life when focus falls on our Dad.

All too often in life speeches are made because its ‘good form’, and Dad knows all about form; in-fact he is an expert scholar.

But tonight’s speech comes genuinely from the heart. From Mum, Nicola and I, to let Father O’Flynn know just how much he means to us.

As you all know, tomorrow I head back off around the world, but the one thing I was not willing to miss during my year out was my Dad’s 60th.

Most, if not all of you, are aware of the serious assault I suffered in August thousands of miles away from home. But what you may not be aware of is the pride I have in my family, who went to extraordinary lengths to get me home.

It is at times like these, when the clock stops, that you realize that you never tell the people you love just how important they are in your life. We seem to take such understanding for granted.

My Dad is literally my hero and I never would have achieved anything like the highs in my life without him (and in this I speak also for Nicola).

Always there to offer advice, to encourage and to support; I have always looked up to my Dad.

I realized in all my terror in Ecuador that my Dad would get me out, and that along with Mum and Nicola he would make things right.

A man who seldom gets praise and never gets the recognition he deserves. Loving, caring and honourable, a true friend and genuine man; our Dad is not just a hero to me and Nicola but a beacon to many others.

I’m taking the chance to say on behalf of his family how much we love him and if Nicola and I were to come back one hundred times or more to this earth, we would always choose Willie as Our Dad!.


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