Friday, February 16, 2007

Friday 16th February 2007. Sydney, New South Wales.

As I left this morning to head to the Gallery Cafe I had, as usual, to pass the nearby former Methodist Church that now provides shelter for the homeless and the dispossessed; many of whom are drug addicts.

Despite how down I may feel at times about being attacked I always remember the words of my Mum, that you should not feel sorry for yourself as there are always people worse off than you. I wonder what must have happened to leave people in this state...there but for the grace of God go I, or indeed you!!!

Surry Hills is "COOL" Sydney and my enjoyment of this area in many ways is a reflection of the similarities with my beloved Brighton. Here in Surry Hills the junkie lives cheek by jowl with the trendy mummy who has just jogged past me with one of those three wheeled prams. Like Brighton, this is about as meritocratic as Western society gets.

Last night David, a real nice guy I met asked me whether I would like to move to Australia. As I often say, everyone has a story and David's was fascinating. A political refugee from Rhodesia he and his family came to live in Australia, although he subsequently went on to live in London for seven years.

Australia remains a mecca for immigrants. There are parts of Sydney, Melbourne and even in remote areas where I have struggled to hear English spoken...But for me, I am too much of a Brit. I love my country. I saw a television programme last night about Bateman's and the National Trust, and it took me straight back to Sussex. For all my travels there is still no-where like home!!

The Gallery Cafe is a gem displaying the work of local artists. My personal favourite was Bush Fires. The gentil hidden courtyard is an oasis in the city. Like all Bohemian enclaves art and artists are the key and as I sit here writing on my latest napkin a young Chinese lady is editing a text at the next table.

Talking of art, my next stop is the Ray Hughes Gallery. This is a great space and I am lucky enough to get to see the hanging of a show that opens tomorrow. The subject matter is basically female eroticism with many lesbian images. Art? possibly, but my own sixthformers have produced far higher quality work in the schools fashion and textiles and art departments.

This afternoon I am furthering my aim to have afternoon tea at Sydney's three best spots. After the Intercontinental in early January,today I am off to David Jones...THE Sydney department store since 1838.

Well despite the promises Marshall Fields this ain't; but then neither is the Walnut Room anymore as the people of Chicago know. As it was I had scones and tea but this was nothing to write home about and certainly not worth a visit if you are in Sydney!

Tonight I meet up with my two beautiful German travelling companions, the Julia's. We three are all in Sydney at present and so I take the girls to Burger Bar on Devonshire Street for the best gourmet burgers the city has to offer.

After dinner drinks are at The Vault in the city before we head over to visit the Westin Hotel. Tonight every red-blooded male in Sydney stared as I walked the city streets in the delightful company of these stunning and intellectual blond German ladies.

I walked home on Cloud 9 realising just how many wonderful friends I have. My time here in Australia has been magical and that is in no small part due to the wonderful mates who have helped 'put me back together again'. As I walk along Oxford Street the sights simply have to be seen to be believed.

Talking of sights, your average GAP traveller ends up with a tattoo and I am no different. Now that my leg has healed I have a permanent tattoo from the scars left by my snake that's a tattoo!!


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