Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Tuesday 13th February 2007. Melbourne, Victoria to Sydney, New South Wales.

This morning I take my last ride on Melbourne's trams. Melbourne is home to one of the largest tram networks in the English speaking world.

I head off with South African Jess and Aussie Jess to Sugardough on Lygon for breakfast before taking a walk with the girls through Royal Park.

I have had a great time in my few days in Melbourne and now it is time to say bye to Tom's house at 74 Flemington Road in Parkville. I must say a special thanks to Buzz and Maddy who made me more than welcome in this wonderful student abode. They were not only welcoming but great fun during my stay!!!

Why do I always get them. Now onboard my Qantas flight and the twat infront wants way more seat than he is entitled too and stretches and stretches the seat such that my tray table flops down and won't go back up.

As we shot out of Melbourne with me at the bumpy back of the plane I got a real sense of sonic boom which I kind of enjoyed in a weird way and then I felt really sick.

As we descend into Sydney I get my first and only sight this trip of the Blue Mountains.

Back in town and I am staying at the Pelican Hotel. I may be in ultra cool Surry Hills but this hotel leaves a lot to be desired. For the next five nights I am in a centrally located backpackers with shared toilets and more than a musty smell of damp...think Rigsby on a good day!!

But hey, this journey is all about experiences and this hotel is cheap. I am welcomed to my room by the fly's in the fridge and as far as the bed goes when I sit on it it sinks. It has seen more action than it should have and I just don't want to imagine where either it or the linens have been. A basic picture is that this is the sort of place where depression looms in every corner.

At least I had a good thai meal at Som Jit Thai in Taylor Square.

Oh...and an interesting fact about Melbourne is that Melbourne Gaol (which sadly I did not get time to visit) was the site of the hanging of the famed outlaw Ned Kelly.


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