Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Sunday 4th February 2007. Katherine to Kakadu.

This morning we head out to Nitmiluk National Park and the Katherine Gorge. This area represents the dreamtime journey of Nabilil, a dragon like creation figure of the Jawowyn people.

Nabilil gave names to many places including this area Nitmiluk. His journey to the gorge led to his death and created the flowing water that is now the Katherine River...This is the Aboriginal version of events which I love!!

The Western Tale...
Katherine Gorge was created over millions of years and the Katherine River has followed the same course zig-zagging a path along ancient faults and cracks in the Kombolgie sandstone creating a deeply eroded channel that now contains 13 spectacular gorges.

We take a wonderful cruise along two of the gorges this morning.

Tha actual colour of the sandstone is white. The red/brown colour that we see is the result of iron-oxide in the rock (which is water soluble) creating a rusting effect on the stones extremities.

Lunch today is at Edith Falls.

Leliyn, or Edith Falls is a sacred area to the Jawoyn people with many mythical creation beings associated with the site. The Aboriginal culture is after all one of the oldest continuing cultures in the world with a great deal to teach us all.

First people come to us
they started and run our life...quick.
They bring drink.
First they should ask about fish, cave, dreaming,
they rush in
they make school. Teach the ways of the white man.

Now Aboriginal losing it,
losing everything.
Nearly all dead my people,
My old people gone.

Those first people was too quick,
wasn't aboriginals fault.
Still aboriginal all around 1929, 1952, 1953...few left but...
1970 to 1979...gone.
Only me.

We checked in this afternoon to the Aurora Kakadu Lodge in Jabiru, an area populated by venomous snakes...So I better watch out!

Typical of the outback there is nothing here in this resort but that one essential of outback life...the pub.

Lying here tonight in the midst of a storm with the thunder and lightening cracking the sky, it is not difficult to conceptualise the Aboriginal ideas of creation and natures role in our day to day lives as a chorus of frogs croak to my thoughts.


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