Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Wednesday 9th May 2007. New Orleans to Miami. USA.

Breakfast was sunnyside up before Joanne and I headed out to the airport.

My trip to Miami took me via Houston and upon arrival I spent the rest of the day in the airport waiting to meet my friend Wendy who was flying back from a business trip to D.C.. Her flight was naturally a good hour-and-a-half late.

So we get in the taxi and head home to Miami Beach and we are so busy chatting and catching up that we leave her computer in the cab.

This is a major problem as not only is this the latest in hi-tech equipment but Wendy (who has had a very successful career as a power-broker on the hill) was returning from her consultancy work, and there is vital data on the machine...and
more importantly...the computer contains a great deal of personal information, photographs and recordings of her Dad, who passed away last summer...We need to find this machine.


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