Sunday, October 22, 2006

The weekend of the 21st and 22nd October 2006

Saturday 21st October 2006. Lima, Peru.

I just Love Lima. I am having so much fun here and it is made all the more special as I am in the company of special friends.

Saturday proves to be one of those truly magical days in life when 24 hours becomes a dream world of joy.

I begin my day at the Post Office after my leisurely breakfast and pottering around learning a little from Tim’s gardener Jacinto.

Well to be exactly correct, the Post Office is actually in a supermarket. I am attempting to send a postcard home to Scotland.

As you have been made aware, I discovered very early on just how developed South America actually is. Well today I see how the first and third worlds can live in harmony.

The lovely lady serving us simply cannot recognize that if she places all the stamps she deems necessary on the postcard then there will be no viewable address to send it to. Unperturbed by this she is all for pasting and posting.

The decisions that are taken over this posting take an inordinate amount of time and that is actually a joy, in a weird way, for a Westerner so used to the rapid nature of life in the UK.

We eventually agree a compromise. I will go to another store and buy an envelope which I can then address and place the postcard inside, the dear lady can then stamp away until her heart is content!!!

Before lunch I am invited to visit Tim’s neighbour. Víctor Pimentel is an internationally renowned contemporary artist whose work can be found across the globe. A huge number of his pieces hang in the galleries and luxury homes of Europe.

Lunch itself is a cultural treat as we dine on Peruvian delicacies at El Villano a wonderful local establishment in the backstreets of Barranco.

Today just goes from one high to the next and in Barranco we discover Dédalo, arguably the most exciting store in the world.

This unique store is home to arte y artesanía and it is both a contemporary art gallery and stunning treasure house of inspirational items for your home.

I am so happy in Lima and I am so proud that my project is back on track that I actually splashed out and bought a handmade photo album with two smiley faces that show how much I have enjoyed Lima.

It is one of those stores where you can bump into the cities high and mighty, and we did, in the shape of the recently retired British Ambassador.

On the terrace outside there was a wonderful exhibition Chavin de Huantar of art inspired by the Chavin culture.

Then to top it all we head down to the ocean and then over to Lucia De La Puente, galeria de arte. Here I am lucky enough to view two inspirational shows. The majesty of sculpture is demonstrated in the work of Benito Rosas and the art of Fernando Taboada, particularly Contemplacion, is simply inspirational.

Margarita has been an excellent guide to the city’s old buildings and we explore further even convincing the owners at 103 Ave. Sáenz Peña to let us in to see the building up close.

After a siesta Tim and I head out for the night to the Teatro.

I am so so lucky. Tonight is the opening night of the latest round of Kimba Fa at the Teatro Canout. This fantastic show is the Peruvian equivalent of STOMP. It is a genuinely apt portrayal of day to day life in Peru and is a wonderful insight into the culture of the country (particularly Lima). The performance was of truly international standard and between the social commentary and the energy and enthusiasm of the performers this show blew me away.

I never ever fancied seeing STOMP in London, as I wasn’t sure that I could face such a prolonged period of action without words, after seeing this show…STOMP here I come!

Rounding off the perfect day, Tim and I head back to Barranco to take in the nightlife. We dine on anticucho and drink Chicha de Jora and we visit many and varied hostelries. Juanito’s is of course on that list and we round of the night in the stunning three story building that is La Noche.

Sunday 22nd October 2006. Lima, Peru.

It was a lovely leisurely morning this morning before we headed out to San Isidro to take the air in the Parque El Olivar.

Tim then took me to the scene of his many theatrical triumphs, the Teatro Británico in Miraflores where I had a guided tour of the facility before a well earned Pisco Sour on the pier at La Rosa Náutica. This is actually the first venue in my life where I have ever had to pay a cover charge…guess I am just not that posh!!

The highlight of the pier was the original organ grinder and his monkey (not very animal welfare friendly though).

The monkey choose for me though, the most timely of sentiments, when he pulled a card from his tray.

The card read that I am the type of person who cannot access all of my wealth (in material terms) and that in fact my wealth lies in what I do. That goodness is what makes me different from other people…Well its’ probably all hype but it inspired me!

After a late afternoon drive along the beach front on the Costa Verde where you will find some of the yuppiest restaurants imaginable we head into Chorrillos.

Not before however, that is, we take in the Friar leaping into the ocean at El Salto del Fraile, a true Lima highlight!

We dine in fine style today at the hottest ticket in town, Maximiliano. The venue only opened 3 days ago and already chef/owner Rafael Rivera is causing a stir.


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