Saturday, October 14, 2006

Saturday 14th October. Caracas, Venezuela.

I have been sent a very complex question from Susan, a student in South Africa, who asks "Is there evidence of racism within South America?"

As I journey across South America I am becoming increasingly aware of the racial divide between Latino's and those descended from the indigenous people's; and the negro population.

There is a real tendency amongst those I speak to (even those of the Afro-Caribbean population) to distrust Afro-Caribbean's and to blame this population for much of the continent's legendary violence.

I worry about such racial stereotyping although in answer to your question I have to admit that all of the problems I have found have been at the hands of this community. From my mugging, assault and robbery; to attampts to rip me off in taxis, restaurants, stores etc.

I have found Latino's to be warm and welcoming and indigenous peoples to be peaceful and generous.

I do not wish to further engender stereotypes and would rather turn your question away from negative stereotypes toward questioning why the Afro-Caribbean population may have developed more aggressive/violent/criminal tendencies?

Maybe we need to examine this population's social history to determine current behaviours?

After all, we are simply a product of the influences and experiences with which we engage.


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