Thursday, November 23, 2006

Santiago, Chile. Thursday November 23rd 2006.

Today I spent the most wonderful day at Bradford School with Maire McNamara and her staff.

I greatly enjoy visiting schools, particularly those that are on the move. Bradford has the air of a school that is going places, a school that is being well directed and that is innovating rather than waiting around for change to happen to it.

I really must thank Maire and all her staff for the opportunity to visit the school and to learn that not all British schools abroad teach in English. Indeed, Bradford teaches in the medium of Spanish with English immersion in the kindergarten and early years and English as an intensive subject in the upper school curriculum.

I greatly enjoyed delivering a workshop on the use of interactive smartboards to the kindergarten and junior school staff and I am greatful for their warm and complimentary reponse to my presentation.

Driving home from school you get a sense of the true contrast that is unique to Santiago. Here you are in the busy streets of a metropolis that is home to millions of people sitting amongst the gleeming skyscrapers of commerce, and there almost within touching distance lie the mountains of the Andes. The two world's collide beautifully and present a stunning vista.

Tonight I headed out taking a walk to the nearby Parque Arauco. If having a Laura Ashley at the mall is the mark of civilisation then Santiago is there. But seriously, this is one wealthy and developed city. Luxury cars abound and the mall could be anywhere in North America or the UK.

I dine tonight at Asian Bistro on the Boulevard Parque Arauco. It is one of those trendy joints with all the waiters and waitresses in black. The food is OK, but very over-priced and the staff spend so much time preening themselves that there is little time left for the customers.

Back to my hotel for a nightcap before a new day in Santiago.


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