Saturday, July 08, 2006

Surrey Life

Beare Green, Surrey. England. July 7th 2006

This evening I held a Garden Party for my colleagues from School to celebrate the beginning of Summer and to say farewell as I begin my travels and leave my home in Surrey for pastures new.

A special thank you must be extended to my dear friends Ann and Tom Worrall who have made my Surrey Life a joy, it is my privilege to call Ann and Tom my friends!!

A special memory for all our friends and colleagues...The words of Ann and Will's duet.

Westering Home
Westering home with a song in the air,
Light in the eye and it’s goodbye to care;
Laughter o’love and a welcoming there,
Isle of my heart, my own one!
Tell me o’lands o’the Orient gay!
Speak o’ the riches and joys o’ Cathay!
Eh, but it’s grand to be wakin’ ilk day
To find yourself nearer to Isla.

And it’s (Chorus)

Where are the folk like the folk o’ the west?
Canty and couthy and kindly, the best;
There I would hie me, and there I would rest
At hame wi’ my ain folk in Isla.
And it’s (Chorus)


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